Comprehensive Capital Campaign Management

Whether you’re managing a school, arts, human service, or faith-based campaign, Ashley|Rountree can provide expert counsel for your team, board, and/or committee.

Nonprofit Campaign Management

Capital campaigns are no small undertaking, and the outcomes are critically important to your stakeholders – especially those most in need of your organization’s services. An experienced partner by your side can help ensure your campaign’s success, offering hands-on expertise and keeping you laser-focused on doing the right things – efficiently.

Good planning, flexibility, persistence, and a commitment to creative solutions are essential in campaign management. Our team can provide any level of assistance that your staff, volunteers, and budget require – from creating a plan and structure, to assisting with recruiting and training volunteers, refining prospect lists and strategies, and managing the campaign week-to-week.

Faith-Based Campaign Management

Ashley|Rountree and Associates frequently partners with faith communities in Kentucky and Southern Indiana to transform their visions into reality and donors into champions for long-term sustainability.We leverage our own resources – including local experts and first-hand knowledge of our region’s faith groups – with those of the nation’s leading church and congregation fundraising consulting group to offer an unparalleled range of services tailored to your community’s specific needs. This unique combination of boots-on-the-ground knowledge and nationally renowned best practices will position your organization for fundraising success.

Success Stories