

Ashley|Rountree and Associates posts a bi-weekly blog about various aspects in the nonprofit sector. To get the latest news and stay informed please consider joining our contact list.

Making the Request

The latest news for our country seems to be a bit more promising than in recent weeks and certainly we are hoping to begin to move towards recovery sooner rather than later. We are always moving forward, and the team at Ashley|Rountree has been making many calls to former and current clients. What we are […]

Communication with Governing Boards

On Sunday, we as a nation learned that we would be asked to continue social distancing through April 30. For the health of community and nation this is a good thing for us to embrace. But as an employee and leader of an organization trying to move your mission forward, this may seem like devasting […]

Making Your Development & Communication Efforts Strategic

We hope this message finds you and your family healthy and safe. These are unprecedented times and we are learning as a community to take each day as it comes. Information seems to be updated hourly and coming at us all in such a rapid pace. During these times, the Ashley|Rountree team is committed to […]

The Importance of Strong Volunteer Leadership for Our Charities

Did you ever wonder how a nonprofit organization is created? You may think it’s all about legal paperwork and countless forms filed with faceless managers at the Internal Revenue Service and our state’s Attorney General’s office. It’s true enough: it takes a lot of paper to win tax-exemption for a charity (and it should; those […]

Is Social Media the Fund Development Professional’s Magic Bullet?

In light of the ALS Association’s recent epic success, the nonprofit industry is abuzz with talk of how to recreate the next Ice Bucket Challenge. Increasingly, board members are looking to development staff to devise a plan using social media to increase gift income. Development staffers are spending countless hours brainstorming the next big social […]

Maximizing Meetings: 3 M’s to Make Event Committee Meetings Meaningful

Sometimes meetings make you want to tear your hair out. You know—one of those meetings that tangents off the agenda to debate the most inane topic possible aiding nothing at all to the assignment at hand. A meeting like my first sorority meeting 25 years ago in which the girls were hotly debating over the […]

Is Email a Top Fundraising Strategy?

Galas, direct mail, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer events, email campaigns . . . there are so many fundraising initiatives to choose from as we start planning for 2017! So what is the most efficient and effective tactic? What is going to bring in the broadest base of support in 2017 for our nonprofit organizations? According to the […]

3 Reasons Why Your Year-End Appeal is Not Over

With a new year comes a sense of looking forward and leaving the past behind. You’ve just finished the year-end appeal and will now gear up for the next fundraising project. But not so fast —sorry to say, your year-end fund drive is not over. It’s actually never over. Let’s talk about some of the […]

Increasing Retention Rates with a Stewardship Checklist

It’s New Year’s Resolution time again! In that spirit, I have traded Netflix for books. I have unsubscribed from Netflix (boy, that was a super sticky Band-Aid to rip off!), and I have ordered a slew of books. The first arrival was New York Times bestselling author, Atul Gawande’s Checklist Manifesto, referred to me by […]

7 Steps for Making Nonprofit Mergers Work

By Timothy Sandoval, The Chronicle of Philanthropy Nonprofits might merge for any number of motivations, from improving programs and services to averting a financial meltdown. And it can be a tricky business. Charities that join forces can lose a lot at the negotiating table – offices, employees, the ability to make governing decisions, even their […]