

Ashley|Rountree and Associates posts a bi-weekly blog about various aspects in the nonprofit sector. To get the latest news and stay informed please consider joining our contact list.


Over the past few weeks we have heard more hiring freezes being lifted. Additionally, organizations are strategically thinking about staffing alignment and focusing on what is important at this juncture. If your organization is in hiring mode, consider the following thoughts as you begin your recruitment process: Prep for the job description Take time to […]

6 Trends from the Ashley|Rountree Survey

I recently read in Louisville Future about collaboration. Corporations are teaming up to make the utility sector more efficient and ecologically sound. The nonprofit community can learn from experiences such as this. Partnerships amongst the nonprofit sector can lead to greater efficiencies and more individuals served. Definitely a win for both organizations. Last month we conducted a […]

4 Tips for Capital Campaigns

The last few months have proved challenging for any organization conducting a Capital Campaign or preparing to start one. Capital Campaigns, by their nature, are highly organized and orchestrated events that require not only a well-conceived strategy but a tremendous amount of organizational discipline and hard work to achieve success. What happens then when a […]

Diversify Your Revenue Base

As nonprofit consultants we tend to give counsel on contributed revenue – annual giving, major, capital and planned gifts. To the typical nonprofit these are vital sources of revenue. Many nonprofits are equipped to look beyond these sources to delve into the world of earned revenue. Neville Blakemore joined our team last year and created […]

Revisiting Revenue Stream Opportunities

With the recent economic volatility, many nonprofits are revisiting revenue stream opportunities. Planned Giving, through various structures, is one way to help position organizations for a long-term consistent base of support. Philanthropic individuals are able to make a legacy commitment of larger gifts to charitable organizations than they could make from ordinary income, while still […]

Leading During Difficult Times

Typically this week I would have highlighted an associate who would share information pertaining to their area of expertise. I would like to hit pause this week to acknowledge that our community and country are figuring out ways to deal with and confront the uncertainty that has enveloped our nation. Whether it be the pandemic […]

The A|R Team: How To Increase Your Odds With Grants from Paula Swope

Over the next few weeks you will hear more from my terrific team of colleagues giving advice in their area of expertise. First up – Paula Swope, Vice President, Grants Division and Senior Consultant. Paula has more than a decade in the grant-writing world. Prior to working independently, Paula worked in higher education most recently at […]

Rise and Respond – Your Mission Matters!

Newly reported trends show that securing charitable gifts generally is dropping, and to where they are directed is shifting. As reported in the Chronicle of Philanthropy last week, Americans giving to charities dropped to 73% over the last 12 months which represents a new low exceeding the 79% figure set back in 2009 during the Great Recession. […]

Nonprofits Need to Think About the Next Six to Nine Months

Each month our industry experts of 30 Ashley|Rountree consultants gather to examine and deliberate the latest trends and share stories. Today we discussed the current state of affairs for the nonprofit world. It was definitely a broad-ranging conversation but for now I will focus on one topic: Nonprofits need to think about the next six […]

Strategic Restructuring Survey & Webinar

In the last message I mentioned the difficult decisions that many organizations are now facing. Namely, how to respond to the downturn in the economy that have seriously impacted operations. Some have immediately implemented tactical responses like layoffs or program eliminations. Others are considering more longer-term strategic solutions like sharing administrative functions, engaging in joint […]