

Ashley|Rountree and Associates posts a bi-weekly blog about various aspects in the nonprofit sector. To get the latest news and stay informed please consider joining our contact list.

Fundraising fatigue is real, but we’re not slowing down

Recently, our president and founder Jeff Ashley had the honor of being interviewed for a Business First article about the post-pandemic nonprofit landscape, particularly pertaining to fundraising. Clearly, things are…let’s say, different, from what we knew for a very long time. And different isn’t necessarily a bad thing […]

People News: A semi-goodbye and impending hello

As some of you know, my colleague and business partner Mark Rountree has been intentionally easing away from full-time work with Ashley|Rountree and Associates over the last several years. Now, it’s bittersweet to share that Mark will move into his long-planned semi-retirement, effective February 1, 2022. He will continue to collaborate with our team, albeit in a […]

Tis the Season for Strategy

Our thoughts this month are brought to you by Paul Rooprai, Vice President of Strategic Planning and Senior Consultant Strategic planning is essential for any business, but for nonprofits, it’s an especially important tool that drives mission fulfillment and longevity. If your organization hasn’t discussed strategy recently, now is the time to revisit the topic […]

American Rescue Plan Act – Part 1

The latest buzz on the street has been less about COVID and more about how cities across the nation will be receiving and allocating substantial funds to organizations in need.  Thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Kentucky counties will receive a direct allocation of $867.8 million. Each city will have its own process […]

Learning in the Company of Friends

We are very excited to announce a first for Kentucky – The CNPE School for Fundraising and Engagement! A partnership was born when Ann Coffey, CEO of the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNPE) reviewed May 2020 survey results about fundraising during the pandemic and reached out to Ashley|Rountree’s (A|R) Mark Rountree, Executive Vice President who had always […]

The Source!

As John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”  We can all use some help now and then – yes, even as consultants we have tried and true sources of information. This week we asked our team what are the trusted sources of information when researching a […]

The P.E.S.O. Model

This week we are checking in with Danielle Marshall, Marketing Consultant at Ashley|Rountree, who is sharing helpful hints on creating a marketing plan. “Marketing” is a loaded word in many industries and for a nonprofit organization it can, at times, seem too big to wrap your head around. Is it enough to just post on social media? […]

Ring in the New Year

As we embark on the early days of 2021, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on lessons learned.  What does 2021 have in store for us?  One thing we have learned from the past ten months is that we should not predict.  Are we wiser from the past ten months?  I […]

A harbinger for good things to come?

Did you participate in last week’s Giving Tuesday day of giving?  If so, you may have been one of the many organizations who received strong financial support from your patrons.  According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, there was a 30% increase in donations from that of 2019.  It is wonderful to hear this news since 2020 has […]

A Unicorn?

In our last article we talked about the search process from a candidate’s viewpoint.  This week we turn to nonprofit’s recruiting to find the perfect candidate. If your organization is seeking an individual to fill a position consider the following thoughts to find the ideal candidate. Planning and Preparation If you have an existing job description, review […]