Our Team

Carol Buckhout

Grant Professional

Carol Buckhout uses her writing and editing skills to serve the nonprofit sector. She believes those organizations are the heroes in today’s society, as they tackle the challenges facing their communities.

She has helped these organizations achieve their missions by working with their boards, staff and volunteers to build community awareness, donor programs and overall effectiveness. Carol has been involved in nonprofit communications and philanthropy, with extensive experience in writing, editing, media relations, and publications, as well as grant writing and research.

For over 25 years, Carol has worked with healthcare, educational and social service institutions, as well as small foundations. This experience has provided her with the perspective of both the grants seeker and the grants maker.

Carol earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Vanderbilt University and a Master of Arts degree in journalism from the Grady College at the University of Georgia.

Learn more about Carol in her “At Bat for Ashley|Rountree” profile!